Magento Integration


Integration Settings
Advanced Settings
Manual Imports


Order Desk can connect to your legacy Magento store and import your orders. As orders are fulfilled, shipment notices can be sent back to Magento.

This guide explains how to set up and use the Magento integration in Order Desk.

This guide is about the legacy Magento (version 1) integration. For Magento 2 please see the Magento 2 Integration guide.


To connect to Magento, click on Manage Integrations under the Integrations menu in the left sidebar. Under the Shopping Carts tab, find and enable Magento.

To complete the connection, you will need to get some details from your Magento admin to paste into Order Desk.

In Magento click System > Web Services > SOAP/XML Roles. Add a new role that has access to everything.

Then go to System > Web Services > SOAP/XML Users and add a new user. Assign this user to the role you just created.

You will need the username of the new user and their assigned API key. Add this information, as well as the main URL for your website, into the Magento integration in Order Desk and click to connect.

Troubleshooting the Connection

If there is an error in your Magento installation this can keep the XML from being created properly.

After connecting your account, Order Desk will try to download recent orders. If your server isn't sending valid XML, the results will be displayed on the page along with the error Magento Build Error.

You can use these results to troubleshoot the issue with your server.

Integration Settings

Once connected to Magento, set your preferences in the integration settings.

Check for New Orders

Select how often you want Order Desk to pull in new orders from Magento.

Folder for New Orders

Select the folder where newly imported orders from Magento should be placed.

For more information, see the Working with Folders guide.

Sync Tracking Numbers

Enable to have shipment information sent back to Magento as tracking is added to orders in Order Desk.

Email Magento Customer

Enable to have Magento email the customer as tracking information is sent back for orders.

Sync Inventory

Enable to have your inventory counts sent to Magento as they are updated in Order Desk.

The SKU value is used to match the product between Order Desk and Magento.

Any items with a quantity of 0 will be marked as out of stock. Any with a quantity of more than 0 will be marked as in stock.

Please note that the field to send the product identification is indeterminate — it could be interpreted as a SKU or as a product ID so avoid using plain integers (numbers like 1001 that could be identified as the ID of a different product) as your SKUs.

Magento Store ID

Filter which orders you want to download to Order Desk based on the Magento Store ID. To download orders from more than one Magento store, enter multiple numbers separated by a comma, eg.: 1,4,9.

Country Filter

Use two digit country codes, separated by commas, to only import orders from specific countries. 

Add a - to exclude orders from specific countries.


US,CA,MX - only import orders for the United States, Canada and Mexico.

-US,-CA,-MX (or -US,CA,MX) - import all orders except for the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Order Prefix

You can add a prefix of your choice that will be added to all orders downloaded from Magento.

Use Original Item Price to Support VAT Tax

Select to have VAT prices instead of regular prices.

Advanced Settings

Download Custom Product Attributes

Order Desk can pull in custom product attributes. To set this up, list the attributes you want brought into Order Desk in this field. For multiple attributes, you must separate each with a comma, but do not put a space after the comma.

Order Desk will look at each product in an order and store any attributes that are found in the item metadata.

Inventory Location Filter

If you only want to download specific orders, you can use the Inventory Location Filter field to specify which ones you want. Enter multiple locations separated by a comma.

The inventory location name must match exactly as it is on your inventory items in Order Desk. When importing new orders from Magento, Order Desk will look at the SKUs on the items and compare to the SKUs in your inventory here. Any orders with items for a location that isn't listed in this field will not be imported.

For this to work, your inventory must be added to Order Desk. The inventory Location should be set on each item. For details, please see How to Add Inventory and How to Store Extra Item Details.

Custom SOAP Endpoint

If you have a customized endpoint, enter it here.

WS-I Compliance Mode

If you have WS-I Compliance Mode enabled in Magento, select this setting in Order Desk.

Use Stream Context Connection Mode

If you have trouble connecting to Magento, select this setting and retry your connection.

Manual Imports

If you need to manually import orders or inventory items from Magento, you can do this from the Magento integration page.

Manually Import Orders

Order Desk can download orders from the date you set here.

Manually Import Inventory Items

If you need to pull your Magento inventory into Order Desk, click the Import Inventory Items Now button.

For more information on Order Desk inventory, see the How to Work with Inventory Details guide.

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