How to Cancel Your Order Desk Store

We understand that sometimes you'll need to close down your Order Desk account. This is something that you can do right within your own Order Desk store following the instructions in this guide. 

Before proceeding, you may want to consider the following:

  • Export inventory, orders and any relevant reports first if necessary. Once your store is canceled, you will no longer be able to download or export your data.
  • If your business needs a particular integration or feature in order to continue using Order Desk, contact Order Desk support to let us know. All requests are reviewed and saved, and new features are often built based on how many customers have asked for them.


For Shopify Merchants
How to Cancel Your Account

What Does Canceling Do?

When you cancel your Order Desk store, you are putting your store in a read-only mode where no activity can happen.

All of your content will be saved, but the store will remain locked unless you decide to upgrade again. If your store is already on a paid plan, once you lock your account, you will no longer be billed for service and your store will no longer function. 

Please note that locked accounts may be deleted on future audits. If you plan to come back to Order Desk and do not want your store to be deleted, let Order Desk support know.

If you need to delete your store instead of locking and canceling it, contact Order Desk support.

Canceling a Demo Store

If your demo store has never been upgraded to a paid plan, it will lock (cancel) itself 30 days from the day it was created.

You do not need to take further action, though you can follow the steps for How to Cancel Your Account if you would like to lock your store ahead of schedule.

For Shopify Merchants

Uninstalling the Order Desk app from within Shopify does not cancel or remove your Order Desk store. You will still need to come into Order Desk to cancel your account following the steps below.

If you have a paid account, please be certain you have locked your Order Desk store, as billing will continue even if Shopify and Order Desk are no longer connected.

How to Cancel Your Account

In Order Desk, click  Billing in the left sidebar under the Account menu.

Click Change Billing Plan.

Click Cancel My Account Now to deactivate the store. 

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