SmartTurn Integration

Many warehouses use software provided by SmartTurn to manage their orders. If your fulfillment provider uses this software, Order Desk can connect to them through the SmartTurn integration and send your orders for fulfillment. As they fulfill your orders, the tracking numbers will be sent back into Order Desk and back through to the original shopping cart(s).


Integration Settings
Inventory Management Settings
Product Settings
Custom Details


To connect to SmartTurn, click on the Manage Integrations link in the left sidebar and under the Fulfillment tab find and enable the SmartTurn integration.

Once enabled, enter your SmartTurn username and password and click to connect.

Integration Settings

After you have connected the integration, you can apply any necessary details or preferences to the settings.

Owner Code

Enter your owner code provided by SmartTurn if directed to do so by your provider.

Priority Code

If your provider tells you to add a priority code, enter it here. You can override this setting on individual orders by using the smartturn_priority checkout data field. Details below.

Default Carrier Name

Enter a carrier name here as your default method. Any order that does not have a shipping method on it will be sent with this carrier name.

If you need to, you can use the rule builder to set shipping methods on your orders as they're imported.

After Import, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into after they are successfully sent to SmartTurn.

You can use one of the default folders already in your store or create your own. Read the Working with Folders guide for more information.

After Shipment, Move To

Select the folder you want orders to be moved into as SmartTurn sends shipment details back to Order Desk.

Allow Partial Shipments

Select this to enable partial shipments in SmartTurn. If enabled, your provider will know to ship part of an order if any items in the order are not currently available.

Automatically Send Imported Orders To SmartTurn

If selected, every order that is added to Order Desk will automatically be sent to SmartTurn.

Select this setting only if all orders will be sent to SmartTurn. If any orders will not be sent, or if you need a delay between when an order is imported into Order Desk and when it is sent to SmartTurn do not select this.

Inventory Management Settings

Sync SmartTurn Inventory

Enable if you want your inventory stock counts to be pulled in from SmartTurn.

For more information, see the How to Work with Inventory Counts guide.

Sync Interval

If Sync SmartTurn Inventory is enabled, choose how often you want Order Desk to check SmartTurn for inventory updates.

Inventory Location Name

If you want to set a specific inventory location name for the products you have at SmartTurn, set that name here. As SmartTurn sends back reports, your custom name will be added as the location.

Product Settings

For more information on what these product settings in the SmartTurn integration are for and how to use them, read the Fulfillment Integration Product Settings guide.

Custom Details

You can customize certain details about orders that are sent to SmartTurn. To do so, set these checkout data fields on the order:

Field Name Field Description
smartturn_date_due Default is the order date. To change the due date for an order, add this checkout data field with the due date as the value.
smartturn_priority If using a Priority Code, you can override it on specific orders with this checkout data field.

For more information about how to use checkout data in Order Desk, read through the How to Work with Checkout Data guide.

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